A: You should check with your firm's compliance representative, network or Accredited Body to be clear on the CPD that you need to complete.
Generally speaking, if you are registered as a retail investment adviser then you will need to demonstrate that you are meeting the post-RDR requirement of maintaining your knowledge to the current qualification standards, which cover the six subjects of regulation and ethics, personal taxation, pensions and retirement planning, protection, investments and application standards.
The IDD requires that insurance distributors and their employees have appropriate knowledge and ability; demonstrated by completing a minimum of 15 hours per year of CPD. The IDD sets out criteria for minimum knowledge, which include areas such as product and market knowledge. Firms are currently required by our Senior Management Arrangements, Systems and Controls sourcebook (SYSC) to ensure their employees have the knowledge, skills and expertise necessary to carry out their responsibilities. It is expected that firms undertake ongoing training, and firms subject to TC must complete 35 hours of CPD.